Some notes on Onion Days:
Where do these people come from? I swear the carnival attracts people who live in caves and only come out once a year. Really, you never see these scary people any other time of year.
Funnel cakes are awesome.
I prefer when City of Fun does the carnival instead of Midway West. Why, you might ask? Well, for one things the rides don't go on too long, and they don't have a Tilt-A-Whirl that makes me hurl. And they have a kiddie monster truck ride, and who doesn't love monster trucks.
I am too freaking old for the roller coaster, even the stupid kid one.
Three times around the merry-go-round is too many, especially after eating a funnel cake.
There are a lot of talented kids in Payson, even if most of them are singing country.
My 4-year-old looks adorable in her dance costume.
There is no point eating anywhere but the pulled pork booth.
No food stands carry Diet Dr. Pepper.
There are a lot of less-than talented kids in Payson. If I never hear another Miley Cyrus cover it will be too soon.
Four dance numbers to Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me" is three too many.
Even if your bra is flesh colored, you are still supposed to wear a shirt that covers it. Seriously.
The Onion Days Parade must be a big deal, as people put chairs out two days before.
I wouldn't object to attending the pig wrestling competition.
You know you live in a small town when they have a pig wrestling competition.
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