Monday, December 29, 2008

More TV and Stuff

So, the crummy times continue. My newest nephew Ry, who is only 1 month old, is in the hospital. They think he might have pneumonia. My mother died from pneumonia. I'm not pleased.

And I still have to unearth my house from all of the empty cardboard boxes and Play-Doh containers that have taken over. And my daughter, sweet little cranky H, just scratched my face with a Disney Movie Rewards movie insert from her copy of High School Musical, while she gleefully says "We can watch this movie forever!" We have been watching this movie forever, hence the DVD. I need the 2 hours off of my DVR. 24 and Battlestar Galatica are returning, and we still haven't started Sanctuary, Fringe, or this season of Sarah Connor Chronicles. But we are down to only 5 episodes of Ninja Warrior, 5 episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and one Supernanny. Which we might stop watching, because H acts up when she sees the naughy children. And I would gladly delete all 5 Phineas and Ferbs. Yes, it's amusing, yes a lot of the humor goes over the head of the children, but when your 3 year old can quote the shows, and you can recite them verbatim, it's time for something new!

Curse you Perry the Platypus!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

More Woes

So, I let my guard down the other day and said "I hope we can make it through the rest of the year without any catastrophes." There was 9 days left in the year so it didn't seem that unrealistic. Shall we review what has happened since I said that on Monday?

My father-in-law drove his Explorer off the freeway and his a construction vehicle and it took the Highway Patrol 5 hours to get to him. Five hours.

My brother Nate was rear ended in the K-Mart parking lot while he was getting into his car. Nate is currently a police officer, so it was a good thing he wasn't in Springville, or they would have had to call the Highway Patrol and they seem rather busy right now.

I have a pink soft cast on my foot. When the podiatrist said he was going to wrap up my foot, I really thought he was talking Ace bandage, so when he brought out the goopy gauzy stuff I was a little surprised. So I can't get my foot wet for 3 days and it really isn't very comfortable. And I made the mistake of not getting one of the drivy carts at Wal-mart yesterday right after the cast was put on and really made my foot hurt. I honestly couldn't tell you how I hurt it, but there's foot pain and it hurts, and this is supposed to pull everything back where it goes. And I'm running out of Ibuprofen.

And apparently I'm making up words. At least there have been no ER trips this week. You would think that wouldn't be a big deal, but lately it is.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

2008 in Review. Bring on 2009!

So, this has been a crappy year. To recap:

January--I think this was the only month that didn't contain some sort of disaster. We were in Vegas at the beginning of the month. I think that's the perfect time to go to Vegas. There's no snow in Vegas. And I finally found a McDonalds with a playland across from the Galleria Mall, so there's somewhere for H and I to go on Fridays after we've checked out of our hotel.

February-This was when the crap began to hit the fan--we just didn't know how much crap was coming our way! My mom had her mini stroke--I had to meet my parents at the ER--my mom never recovered. I had the crappiest birthday since the time I was six and had the chicken pox and my birthday party got canceled. I asked for a birthday do-over, but because of my mom's health that never happened. On the plus side, Dad brought me a Hello Kitty birthday balloon because my mom was worried about my birthday. It's nice to know Dad thinks I'm 3.

March-Worst month ever! My mom spent a week in the hospital, part of it in the ICU, and the day after she came home she died. We were supposed to go on vacation, and instead I buried my mother. I feel so old. As my dad put it, now I'm half of an orphan. I aged at least 10 years that month. No gray hairs yet, but I think the bags under my eyes are here to stay. I had one of life's defining moments when I spoke at my mother's funeral. Guess I'm an adult now.

April-In April we went to a cabin in Midway with my dad for Spring Break. He was still devastated by the loss of my mom. Apparently April is a little early for cabining--yeah, I know that's not a word. Don't start. We had to hike in with our stuff because the road to the cabin was still covered in snow. The pipes froze. H got sick. The DVD player didn't work--well, until Brent got there and worked his technological magic. Anything that could have gone wrong did. A trip to remember.

May-I opted out of Mother's Day this year. Skipped church, took flowers to my moms grave. The headstone was in--we got a bench. I think it looks great, and I'm so glad I didn't let them use Arial font on the stone. Arial sucks. Went to Bear Lake with Brent, H and Dad. That was fun.

June-My mother's birthday was in June--took flowers to her grave. Pretty much it. The home alarm went off by accident, cops showed up.

July-Mike got married! High point of the year! We had a lovely garden wedding, H was the cutest flower girl ever, and my heart stopped when she wandered off during the reception. I'm excellent in a crisis, but this time I froze. Brent found her around the block in someone's garage. Good thing my dad lives in a great neighborhood. Sent her home with the in-laws--why my mother-in-law brought her to our house, I don't know, but she set off our home alarm and the cops showed up, and hauled the neighbors dog to the pound and gave them a fine. Ah, memories.

August-Brent's family reunion. Don't travel with family. Just don't. H turned 3 and started preschool.

September-Can you believe we've been married 14 years? Seriously, 14 years. I know, it's crazy. Went to Park City, stayed at the Summit Watch Marriott, and found a little piece of heaven. H got hooked on crafts because everday we did crafts as part of the MAZE program.

October-Halloween! A respite from crap! I went as Princess Leia, Brent was Indiana Jones and H alternated between a princess and last year's poodle costume. Brent and H went a little crazy decorating the yard. I started a low sugar, low fat kick to lose weight. I don't want to be a diabetic like my dad. Plus, my pants don't fit.

November-Got a speeding ticket on the way home from planning commission meeting--there went the time I was saving. H barfed on me when we got home. H barfed on me when we were boarding the plane the next day. H barfed on me at the rental agency, at the wedding rehearsal for Brent's brothers wedding, and at the restaurant during the rehearsal dinner. Oh, and at the hotel the next day--day of the wedding. Day after the wedding we got in a car accident. Got home, the kitchen faucet was acting up, smoke alarms needed to be changed--that's a coming home from a trip tradition. Then, to cap the whole crap month off, my desktop computer conked out. Bit the big one. Post toasty. I get relagated to my laptop. And I can't access most of my photos--some are still on the E drive because the auto backup wasn't getting done. At least the drive hasn't crashed.

December-The month is young, but I've seen the x-rays from the accident--H was out 1/2", she's back in and should recover beautifully. Me--well, when the chiropractor says "you look like hell" and says "that's not normal" after reviewing your x-ray, well, you can tell I'm in for a long ride. High point of the month--H is excited for Christmas. Low point--H cried the other night because it was her Uncle Mike at the door and not Santa. Oh, and Nate's wife is in the hospital having her gallbladder out as I type this. What a year. To quote Bart Simpson "It's craptacular."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Some Days You Are Just Mad

And on other days you're so pissed you could scream and or hit someone. Or shoot someone. Perhaps it's a good thing I don't have a concealed weapons permit. Yet. Today is one of those days. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

More Slacking

I have stuff I should be doing. I should be finding the pants I'm going to wear tomorrow--at least the shirt is picked out. I may be a slacker, but I generally try to lay out the next days outfits before I go to bed. And I did remember to take Valerian--maybe an hour later than I meant to, but I did it. I usually forgo sleep aids when it's just me and H, but I drank 64 ozs. of Diet Dr. Pepper today--hey, it kept the migraine under control--and I needed something to counteract it.

H and I finally got our first chiropractic adjustments after the accident. You may wonder why it took so long? Well, Dr. Chapman was moving offices during this whole ordeal and the x-ray machine wasn't hooked up. Today was the first day it was up and running. You may wonder why I didn't just see someone else. Visit and it might answer your question. It's the best form of chiropractic and there's only 3 doctors in Utah that practice it. The other one I've gone to is on maternity leave.

H and I were quite out--my x-rays show C1 went one way and C2 went another and there's a weird kink in my neck that shouldn't be there. I actually feel a lot better now that I'm back in. Hopefully H will regain her sweet self now that she's in again.

Anyway, I have lots of housework to do, Christmas stuff to do, newspaper stuff to do, and I really don't want to do any of it. What I want to do is watch CSI on the DVR, but I don't have any episodes on it and H is still awake.

I guess I'd better go finish getting ready for tomorrow. We have a follow-up visit to the chiropractor, H has preschool, and I have too much to do to continue wasting time. Seriously. I'm going. I'm getting up right now. For reals.

The Laptops Are Multiplying...

The other day I realized laptops were taking over my house. There was one on the dining room table--mine. There was one on a tv tray in front of the couch--Brent's. And then was another one on Brent's lap--my brother Mike's. It seriously looked as if we lived in a Dell showroom.

Brent fixed Mike's laptop--note to Mike be more careful with your laptop--it has all your invoices and wedding pictures, not to mention pictures of my nephew--so it's no longer hosed. And Brent left to go to Denver, leaving me with two laptops. And then Mike got back from Roosevelt and picked up his laptop, leaving me with just one. Figures it would be the slowest one...

Friday, December 5, 2008

O Happy Day!

I found my Guns N Roses Greatest Hits CD! It's been missing for over a year! It was in the Lindsay's Mega Happy Fun Disc IV case under Mega Happy Fun Disc 6. Now I can get the house cleaned. Nothing says a clean house like GNR.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


You know, it's amazing how one day of slacking off on the housework turns your house into a crap shack. The counters are covered, the table is covered with Christmas stuff, the mail, Strawberry Shortcake pals, car insurance paperwork, and my laptop, since my desktop decided to die on Sunday. At least we were able to salvage the few things I needed that were on the C: drive--all my photos were safely on the E: drive and somewhat backed up on our external harddrive, other than the last few months because apparently the stupid media computer that I have always secretly hated died.

At any rate, it has complicated matters somewhat, because now half of the dining room table is taken up with laptops, and I only have one monitor and I've gotten quite accustomed to two. Could I squeeze any more forms of to in that sentence? Two, to, too--I'm out.

At any rate, I've been slacking because I just frankly don't feel like loading the dishwasher, washing clothes, or picking up after myself. I'm not excited for Christmas--I'm just down.

So, I'm off to sit in my recliner, reading the new David Baldacci, and waiting for Spring to come.