Monday, December 29, 2008

More TV and Stuff

So, the crummy times continue. My newest nephew Ry, who is only 1 month old, is in the hospital. They think he might have pneumonia. My mother died from pneumonia. I'm not pleased.

And I still have to unearth my house from all of the empty cardboard boxes and Play-Doh containers that have taken over. And my daughter, sweet little cranky H, just scratched my face with a Disney Movie Rewards movie insert from her copy of High School Musical, while she gleefully says "We can watch this movie forever!" We have been watching this movie forever, hence the DVD. I need the 2 hours off of my DVR. 24 and Battlestar Galatica are returning, and we still haven't started Sanctuary, Fringe, or this season of Sarah Connor Chronicles. But we are down to only 5 episodes of Ninja Warrior, 5 episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and one Supernanny. Which we might stop watching, because H acts up when she sees the naughy children. And I would gladly delete all 5 Phineas and Ferbs. Yes, it's amusing, yes a lot of the humor goes over the head of the children, but when your 3 year old can quote the shows, and you can recite them verbatim, it's time for something new!

Curse you Perry the Platypus!

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