Wednesday, December 24, 2008

More Woes

So, I let my guard down the other day and said "I hope we can make it through the rest of the year without any catastrophes." There was 9 days left in the year so it didn't seem that unrealistic. Shall we review what has happened since I said that on Monday?

My father-in-law drove his Explorer off the freeway and his a construction vehicle and it took the Highway Patrol 5 hours to get to him. Five hours.

My brother Nate was rear ended in the K-Mart parking lot while he was getting into his car. Nate is currently a police officer, so it was a good thing he wasn't in Springville, or they would have had to call the Highway Patrol and they seem rather busy right now.

I have a pink soft cast on my foot. When the podiatrist said he was going to wrap up my foot, I really thought he was talking Ace bandage, so when he brought out the goopy gauzy stuff I was a little surprised. So I can't get my foot wet for 3 days and it really isn't very comfortable. And I made the mistake of not getting one of the drivy carts at Wal-mart yesterday right after the cast was put on and really made my foot hurt. I honestly couldn't tell you how I hurt it, but there's foot pain and it hurts, and this is supposed to pull everything back where it goes. And I'm running out of Ibuprofen.

And apparently I'm making up words. At least there have been no ER trips this week. You would think that wouldn't be a big deal, but lately it is.

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