Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Why is it that every pair of socks I own has a hole in the heel? I buy socks all the time. I bought socks last week at Wal-Mart. And yet, not only can I not find two socks that match, I can't even find one sock without a hole in it.

This could be due to the fact that I hate to wear shoes, so I'm always running around in my socks. I'd run around in bare feet more, but the garage floor is generally cold, and it's bad enough going out there to get some ice cream out of the freezer without my feet freezing too. When I do go out barefoot, I have to do the frozen foot dance, which is tough when you're doing the frozen fingers juggle.

When I discover my socks have holes in them, I throw them away. If I wasn't buying new socks to replace them, I would understand why I have no socks. But I do replace them. Where is my bag of socks?

Good thing sandal weather is coming up. Now if I could only find two sandals that match each other...

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