Thursday, October 30, 2008

On Super Powers

Since tomorrow is Halloween, and since I spend a lot of time thinking about this topic, now seems as good a time as any to address super powers. Specifically, I don't think Batman counts as a super hero. Hero, yes. Super, not so much. He doesn't have any special powers. He has awesome gadgets, powerful training, and a fancy smancy car, but he doesn't have the ability to read minds, turn things into ice, shoot spiderwebs out of his hands, or fly. Although it seems like all of the villains he fights do have super powers.

Anyway, if I had super powers, I would probably use them for evil. Brent and I were just discussing this the other day--which of the X-Men would you want to be? I can't stand Wolverine--seriously, I couldn't stand him in the cartoon back in the day when I used to watch it on Saturday mornings before Saved By the Bell came on, and I certainly couldn't stand him during the movies. And let's not get started on the disappointment during the movies of how the whole Dark Phoenix story line was handled, or not handled. And did they have to kill Cyclops? And where was Gambit? He was my favorite X-man. Anyway, in that universe, I think I'd want to be Magneto. He had really powerful powers, and he used them for evil! I know, the villains usually end up in jail, or dead, or at the very least defeated vowing vengeance, but it seems like they have more fun than the namby pamby heroes that are always having to save the day and fight evil. And I must say, I liked Spiderman a lot better when he was walking the dark side of the line, except for that horrible dance number, which pretty much ruined Spiderman 3. Of course, I've never really been much of a Spidey fan--if you want to judge which superheroes are the whiniest, Spiderman is going to get my vote.

And if you want to know the stupidest superpower--definitely the Thing. I mean, he's a big pile of rocks and he can wreck stuff and is strong, but he's a big pile of rocks! That's almost as stupid as Rogues superpower--draining other powers and not being able to touch anyone.

But that's just what I think.

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