Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Black & White

It came to my attention that all of my dress clothes are black and white, with the exception of one navy blue skirt. Everything else, black, white, white, black, black and white, or gray--a sweater. I wonder how that happened...oh right, I kept buying black and white because that's all I liked. When will brown go away? I hate brown. It does seem that navy blue has come back for a bit--I'd better stock up.

Why am I thinking about my clothes? It's because I spent half of the afternoon folding laundry, throwing away most of the dish rags--what can I say, some of them I got at my bridal shower, and they pretty much stink--filling up a size 5 diaper box of H's clothes to give to DI, along with some of Brent's pants. Brent pretty much only wears black pants, with the occasional blue jeans on Saturday, so he doesn't need 5 pairs of blue jeans. One, possibly two is fine.

And how on earth do three people have enough socks to overfill a laundry basket? One of us is three-years-old? I suppose I'd better just DI the socks H has outgrown. That little girl--always growing out of her clothes. And as much as it pains me to donate hardly worn Gymboree clothes, room must be made in her closet. And her closet needs an overhaul, because Brent is always complaining that he can't find clothes for her. Hmm...usually an outfit is laying on her changing table, and her pajamas are always in a stack. I guess they need to be labeled pajamas.

Brent is right, though, her closet does need redoing. Since she's starting to dress herself, and express interest in potty training, methinks her clothes and training pants need to be where she can reach them. So, the toys in bins are coming out--maybe I can finally get rid of that stupid Leappad--and clothes bins are going in. I'll put some stickers on them, with pictures of what goes where. In theory, that should help Brent out. In reality, he'll continue to dress her in things that are too small, too big, still have the tag on, and don't really match. Or let her wear her princess dress.

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