Friday, November 28, 2008

Thankful For???

So I survived Thanksgiving. The feast itself was great. Tender, juicy turkey, Nate's mashed potatoes (even though Dad made them), the gravy was excellent, and Chandra made orange rolls and I had two! And no one but me knew that there was Splenda in the chocolate banana cream pie.

It was after we got home things started to fall apart. First I found H coloring on my bedspread with a marker. Yes, she had a piece of paper between the marker and the bedspread, but with a 3-year-old that's really no help. She had pushed it through the paper and got gray ink on my bedspread. My bedspread that my mother made. My bedspread that I had to go with my mother to 37,000 fabric stores--okay, probably 5--to get the fabric for. This bedspread cannot be replaced and I'm not sure if you can fix a quilt once it's quilted. I was furious. Fortunately, Brent was home, cooler heads prevailed, H survived to get into mischief another day and Brent got the ink out of the bedspread. Thank you very much, Tide to Go.

Then we find out that there are only 3 episodes left of Stargate Atlantis and then it's the series finale. What? Three episodes and that's it? Why is this the first I'm hearing about this? What am I going to DVR on Friday nights? And ABC Family just started Season One over on their Gilmore Girls reruns. I guess they don't have rights to air the final season yet. Why did I just watch 6 seasons of reruns if we're not going to see the final season? Not that it was that good, but still. Oh well, with Gilmore Girls starting over that frees up 5 hours of my week and 5 hours on my DVR. Perhaps now I'll finish my lifelong goal of watching every episode of the X-files in order. Or not.

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