Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Fun Continues

I had just such a fun week last week. On Monday H and I went to music class, then Bajio--mmmm....Bajio--and then I went to the dermatologist and had 3 moles removed. Super fun, especially since one of them requires a special ointment twice a day, which is so fun because it's on the back of my neck and I can't really reach it and Brent was in Florida all week. Not the warm part though, hee hee hee.

On Tuesday I took H to preschool, at lunch at Fat Jacks, ran 6 diaper boxes full of clothes, and one ergonomic keyboard that works fine it's just beige and my new one is black to DI, and then went to the chiropractor where it took 2 hours and we still haven't been adjusted. The good news is that H is only out by 1/2". I am seriously messed up, which is almost funny considering the chiropractor told me in March that he's seen people who were hit by a truck that were in better condition than I was. Ah, emotional trauma. So, we're still waiting for x-rays to be analyzed and I had darn well better get in during the next few days because my shoulder and neck and back really hurt and it makes it hard to sleep!

On Wednesday H went to her grandma's house and I went to the regular doctor for all kinds of fun tests, including diabetes and cholesterol and such. Then we worked on cleaning the house up and unpacking.

Thursday, H went to preschool, and then we went shopping with my dad. We had lunch at Bajio again--H loves rice and beans. We also went by the cemetery because H has decided her grammy is coming back, and it's so hard to explain death to a 3-year-old. I'm glad she remembers her grammy. I'm glad she loves her grammy. But it breaks my heart that my mom is gone and H will grow up with out her. This led me into the crying jag that was Friday. I just can't believe my mom is gone. Seriously.

On Saturday, we went to Outback, and the server messed up everyone's bill. And they so didn't give me a rare steak--more like completely dead. Okay, probably medium, but I said rare, dang it! On the plus side, I got to hold one of my new nephews. And we went to Barnes and Nobles and I got a new calender for 2009--Wonders of the World, since you can't get a Far Side Wall Calender anymore. And we watched Stargate SG-1 Continuum. I will miss Ba'al. Brent and I are plotting out mean things to say about SG-1 over the holidays, even though we did enjoy it immensely when it was on. But we, as the only ones on Brent's side who have cable, have moved on to Stargate Atlantis, and we're at least one season ahead of everyone since they have to wait for it to come to DVD. Hee hee hee...I love Dish. And I love the DVR. And I love that we have 3 hours of Atlantis on the DVR.

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