I have to hand it to Brent and myself. We did not stay up late watching 5 hours of 24 last night when we should have been sleeping. We only stayed up and watched 2 hours. With the new episode that just recorded, we have 4 hours of 24 left on the DVR.
I have to say that I am absolutely delighted that 24 is back. As you know, I spend a good portion of my day thinking about what Jack Bauer would do, what he has done, and who would win if Jack Bauer and James Bond got in a fight.
Is it bad that Brent and I kept laughing every time someone referred to "how far Jack Bauer will go", or when he would hurt someone? Have we crossed some sort of line where we have gotten so desensitized to violence that we can make jokes about Jack cutting off someone's head and stuffing it into a bag? Perhaps.
We do not let Princess H watch 24, but we have been letting her watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which she calls the puppet show. Yes, it's rated TV-PGV for violence, and parental discretion is advised. So I turned to Brent and said "Brent, this is rated PG V for violence. Parental discretion is advised. What do you want to do?" And he said "Princess H, come watch this show." So I said "yes, let's get her desensitized to violence so we can watch 24 as a family." Joking, seriously. Pretty much. This is the kid who says "Grandpa, let's watch Tinkerbell and then the puppet movie." The kid who was delighted that Grandpa bought The Clone Wars. The kid who tried to get me to buy her Spiderman on Blu-Ray on our last trip to Wal-Mart, and who was dissapointed that we didn't watch Spiderman when we got home. (Yes, we let her watch Spiderman 3.) (Yes, that was right around the time she watched Pirates of the Carribean 3.) (No, she hasn't watched any Indiana Jones movies lately.) (Yes, she understood that Brent dressed up as Indiana Jones for Halloween, where most 3 year olds didn't get the reference.) (She dressed up as a poodle for the second year in a row, but then was upset when she didn't have a Princess Leia costume. For the record, I wanted to dress her as an Ewok or Yoda.)
Brent and I are so going to hell.
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