Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another Culinary Disaster

My poor family. Lately, any attempt I make at preparing food seems doomed to failure from the beginning. I made meatloaf and forgot the start the timer. I entered the correct amount of time, I just didn't push start. And that it how we ended up with super dry meatloaf. I attempted to make peas and potato soup, which is basically peas and potatoes in a white sauce. Worst white sauce ever! Even Princess H refused to eat it. The failure may have been due to my use of low-fat butter, but it was a dreadful night.

Last night I made a pumpkin pie. Brent loves pumpkin pie. He wanted to eat some of it last night, but I said he had to wait until Sunday night because we can't show up to a Fake Thanksgiving dinner with a pumpkin pie missing a slice or three. It looked good. My dad had given me a crust, so we know the crust was good. So what's the disaster, you might ask? I got distracted watching the tivoed Lost premiere and forgot to put the pie in the fridge after it cooled down. I found it this morning, sitting on the counter, mocking me. My plan is to make a replacement pie before Brent gets up. I have time. It's only 10:52am.

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