Friday, September 12, 2008

24 Can't Be Delayed!

I realized a while ago that the reason I don't get a lot of things done is because 98% of my brain is thinking about when 24 is coming back and what will happen and will Jack Bauer have to cut off another head, and how I've gotten pretty desensitized to violence thanks to 24, and how sometimes we have 3 episodes waiting on the DVR because it's much too violent for H to watch now that she's understanding what's on the tv. If she can request specific episodes of Sesame Street, she is definitely too attentive to watch 24. And CSI. And the Sarah Connor Chronicles. And Lost. Possibly Stargate Atlantis. This could explain why we watch so many shows on the Disney Channel. Ah, Life with Derek, you crack me up with your Canadian pronunciation of words like Sorry. Sorey! Hee hee hee. And Phineas and Ferb--pure comic genius. Even H can quote that show. But I digress.

Anyway, whenever I see anything in the paper or TV Guide about possible delays on 24, I get a little upset. I'm still mad about the writer's strike delaying 24 for a whole year! A whole year! A whole year of me being able to barely function because my brain is thinking about 24 when I should be writing articles or driving H to preschool or planning vacations. I could be balancing the checkbook--okay, letting Quicken balance the checkbook, but instead I'm thinking about 24. Granted, there shouldn't be any delay just because filming is taking a hiatus so the writers can figure out how it ends. I thought part of the joy of 24 was when they started filming they weren't sure how it ends.

Stupid writers. First they wreck last years tv season, and now they're getting me worried about next season. If I don't see new episodes of 24 soon I'm going to lose all ability to function! For example, right now I really need to unpack from our short jaunt up to Park City, but here I am, thinking about 24. I also need to finish editing my article on this month's School Board meeting, and upload pictures from the retirement luau (complete with a roasted pig H thought was a dog) that I attended yesterday. But that would require more than the 2% of brain power available that's not taken up with thoughts of 24. Specifically, will they finally kill off Jack's daughter? Oh how I hate her. But listing the reasons could take a post of its own.

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