Thursday, September 18, 2008

Coming Clean

After reading a fellow former classmates post about junior high full of things I had pretty much forgotten/blocked out, I started thinking about the past and things I had blocked out. Such as girls camp. Most of it I have repressed, but I do remember one night that Lisa, Karen and myself decided to stay up late playing Monopoly via flashlight. It was late, and Lisa was very tired. I will admit it--I cheated. Every time Lisa landed on St. Charles place, I charged her $22, even though she owned the property. I don't think I won--I'm pretty certain Karen did, but I've felt guilty about it all these years. Okay, actually, I haven't really felt that guilty at all. In fact, I think it's pretty funny. And I always check my properties when playing Monopoly, just in case someone is trying to pull the same stunt. Actually, we only play Christmasopoly once a year, because once you turn about 14 Monopoly just isn't that fun anymore.

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