Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Christmas is Coming...

I so need to find a better hiding place for Christmas gifts. My closet is getting crowded, and there is now no room left for my socks because my 3 sock bins are full of gifts! Perhaps it's time to invest in a colored plastic bin, and I could label is something like "old fish tank parts, not Christmas gifts" so that nobody would peek in it.

Seriously, from several years experience I have learned that I must keep all the gifts in one place, otherwise I will find some of them several months after Christmas. Or forget that I was buying gifts throughout the year, and realize that H got 7 wooden puzzle sets for Christmas. And wrapping as you go--not a good idea in our house, because then you forget what it was. That's how I ended up being surprised that someone had given us the original trilogy of Star Wars again--yes, it was me, I bought it, wrapped it, and promptly forgot about it. Now I have it twice, three times if you count the VHS version. At least they finally broke down and put the original versions out on DVD. Because you do not want to get me started on the new ending of Return of the Jedi. Why not just upload a virus to the mothership and have it done with? Original Ewok ending all the way. But that's a blog post of its own.

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